Give me 90 days and we will personally help You

double your profits by building an easy-to-manage, scalable sales system using the

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Kayvon Kay

From The Desk Of Kayvon Kay

You’ve arrived here because of one thing and one thing only: you want to grow your business without growing your problems. 

Maybe you're exhausted from handling countless sales calls, frustrated by the reality that your pursuit of freedom has instead bound you to endless phone appointments. 
Maybe you're feeling lost, especially after numerous attempts with sales agencies, recruiters, and those who claim to hold the solution to the biggest thorn in your business–and after all that, you still don’t have a sales process that allows you to scale.

Maybe you're at that pivotal moment where 'Enough is Enough.' Before the threat of burnout looms any closer, you're set to ignite a new chapter. It's about seizing control and igniting that burning desire in you… you're ready for a significant change in your business.
Let's Go

No flashy sales tactics, just straight talk.

You're looking for practical help to scale your business, and that's exactly what we're going to focus on.

Mike Dillard
“Working with The Sales Connection was the exact amplifier I needed to building a loyal sales division that I can trust and lean on. Marcus and Kayvon are a rare and perfect blend of Sales and Operational excellence.”

Mike Dillard

MD Marketing

“TSC’s systems and team allowed me to know when I was on the road, they were in place with a strong, dedicated and trusted team of people maximizing our sales pipeline.”

Peter Sage

Peter Sage Group

“I love working with The Sales Connection - They were paramount in my high ticket sales and helped my business 2x in profits. I wouldn't recommend anyone else with High Ticket Sales... Best in the business.”

Tatiana Londono

Londono Realty Group

The No BS Way To Double Profits

This 90-day sales accelerator is designed to revamp your sales department, teaching you how to step back from daily calls and double your profits.
Once you install this proven system, you will…

See an immediate increase in sales performance by 22%-27%

Give you freedom to do what you love (spend time with family, take a real vacation for once) and…

Actually enjoy taking time off because it's all being handled perfectly.

Ready to discuss your 90-day
G.R.O.W.T.H. OS plan?
Let's Go

Do It Our Way and

More Growth =/ More Stress

You'll get the exact systems to recruit, hire, and train elite sales
professionals on autopilot.

Even better, your systems will guarantee their success.

We didn’t just dream these systems up.
Or, worse, copy them from someone else.

We have developed them over the last 15 years by making money.
Over $375 million in sales to be exact. With our help, you’ll be
equipped with the same proven systems and operations.

You’ll be given the keys to the kingdom allowing you to master the
tracking of key performance indicators essential for driving profit and
client  G.R.O.W.T.H. In short, this means more control, more
predictability, and more growth in your business.

"Working with TSC has been a pivotal experience. Their innovative strategies have boosted our sales dramatically, and their approach has reenergized our team. We've broken previous records. TSC is not just a service, it's a transformative partnership."

Anthony Trucks


"TSC has been an invaluable partner. Their revolutionary strategies breathed new life into our sales process. Our growth has been remarkable, consistently exceeding our most ambitious goals. The energy within our team is palpable."

Carolin Soldo

Power House

“Quickly turned into an amazing relationship. They saved me from several catastrophic business decisions. I have yet to work with two more genuine people who care for their clients on a personal level.”

Troy Ericson

The Email Paramedic

Why You Can’t
(and Won’t) Grow

Maybe you’re like David...

He thought luck and hard work were responsible for his success.  

When things go tough, he’d go from 60 hours a week to 80.  If that
didn’t work it was “just bad luck”.

It’s more common than you think...

I’ve worked with businesses generating $3,000,000 to
$50,000,000 in sales.  The common denominator between
success or failure? 

The Business Owner.

It could be the fear of letting go…
Imposter syndrome…
The exhaustion from all the failed attempts…

Or the fear of failure or even success that keeps business owners paralyzed and feeling trapped in their current realities.

I get it, I completely understand why you might be hesitant about building a sales team, worried about losing profits and dealing with the complexities and stereotypes of managing salespeople.

But, it doesn't have to be that way…

The Success Secret That Built Walmart, Amazon and Papa John’s

The biggest companies in the world didn’t get that way by luck and
hard work alone.

They got there because every one of them used a system.
Jeff Bezos
used to pack boxes and answer emails when people ordered books.
And John Schnatter
sold his 1971 Z28 Camaro, bought $1,600 worth of used pizza equipment to make and sell pizza in the back of his dad’s bar.
Sam Walton

founded Wal-Mart. And in the early days he used to personally deliver ladies underwear to his stores in the back of his station wagon.
These three guys are not 1,000 times smarter or luckier than you. They didn’t just work 200 more hours a week either.

They all created systems.

That’s why we created
The G.R.O.W.T.H. Operating System

We spent years testing, refining and perfecting the GOS in our own company and hundreds of businesses in all kinds of niches. This is now a proven, replicable system that can be installed into any business and begin improving results from Day 1.

We’ll hand you everything you need to install this powerful system into your business, so you don’t need to figure anything out.

You’ll never be overwhelmed or confused, because we’ll be there every step of the way.
Marcus Wilson
COO, Operations Ecpert

As a former fractional COO, Marcus has retooled, optimized and scaled businesses to 8-figure revenues in online education, large healthcare networks and businesses in need of major systems streamlining for growth.
Kayvon Kay
CEO, Sales Expert

Over twenty years, Kayvon has mastered the art and science of sales, developing proprietary methodologies and coaching programs while training over 15,000 sales professionals in more than 101 countries.

Our GOS Will Transform Your Business Into A Money-Printing Machine That Works For You Even While You’re On Vacation

You need a G.R.O.W.T.H. Operating System (GOS) to transform your sales approach into a dynamic, results-driven machine.

GOS is a fusion of cutting-edge technology, data-driven strategies, and elite talent development, all working in unison to systemize your  G.R.O.W.T.H.

It's not just about making sales; it's about creating a sustainable system that continuously evolves, adapts, and scales with your business.

With GOS, you'll have the tools, insights, and team you need to not only meet your targets but exceed them, ensuring that your  G.R.O.W.T.H. trajectory is not just upward, but exponential.

Let’s upack it.
Integration of Technology and Processes
GOS involves leveraging industry-leading technology and efficient processes. This integration aims to streamline sales operations, reduce redundancy, and enhance overall efficiency. By using the right tools and processes in harmony, the system empowers sales teams to perform at their peak and drive substantial  G.R.O.W.T.H.
Recognizing that the backbone of any sales operation is its people, GOS places a strong focus on the development and  G.R.O.W.T.H. of sales professionals. It involves a dynamic program for scouting, recruiting, and training elite sales talent, ensuring that the sales team is highly skilled, motivated, and capable of driving success.
Data and
A crucial component of GOS is its emphasis on data-driven decision-making. By collecting, analyzing, and reporting accurate data, the system allows for informed decision-making. This data-centric approach ensures that every strategy and action is based on factual insights, leading to more effective and precise sales operations.
The  G.R.O.W.T.H. Operating System is about making winning a routine. It systemizes the process of  G.R.O.W.T.H. by aligning all operational components – from sales strategies to customer engagement – into a coherent and efficient system. This systematization makes it easier to replicate success and scale operations effectively.
90 Days To 10x Growth
Foundation: Encompassing People, Training,
and Leadership.
At the heart of our approach is the Foundation, a vital pillar that revolves around People. But we're not just referring to anyone – we're talking about finding and nurturing the right somebody. Our process involves recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, managing, and retaining top-tier talent. These superstars are not just representatives of your business, but they embody your company's ethos and treat your business as if it were their own.
“Partnering with TSC transformed our approach to sales talent. Their expertise in recruiting, training, and managing sales reps has not only elevated our team's performance but also ingrained a culture of excellence and achievement within our organization” 

Keala Kanae

Fullstaq Marketer

Mastery: Focused On Systems And
At the mastery level, we elevate your sales game to its peak potential. Building upon the strong foundation of your skilled sales team, we introduce the critical infrastructure they need to truly excel. This includes the refinement of your sales process, the integration of an efficient CRM system, and the implementation of sophisticated automation strategies. We'll equip your team with powerful tools like follow-up templates, scripts, streamlined booking pages, and resources, all designed to optimize every interaction and transaction. By implementing our  G.R.O.W.T.H. Operating System (GOS), we don't just aim to enhance your sales outputs; we're committed to multiplying them tenfold. This is where your sales department's inputs are not just utilized but maximized to their fullest potential.
“Switching from basic Excel sheets to a sophisticated CRM system, under the guidance of Marcus and Kayvon, was a game-changer for our business. In just 30 days, this strategic move generated an astounding $300k”

David Zaleski

Ecom Hub

Scale: Emphasizing  G.R.O.W.T.H., KPIs, and
Financial Acumen.
Think of our approach to Scale, KPIs, and Financial Acumen as your business's crystal ball. It's about smart scaling, where  G.R.O.W.T.H. is sustainable and strategically aligned. We help you turn your KPIs from data points into a roadmap, predicting trends and guiding decisions with clarity. This isn't just scaling; it's scaling with foresight. With our tools and system, you gain the financial acumen to make informed decisions, ensuring every move is backed by solid data, transforming guesswork into certainty, and driving your business toward predictable success.
“Thanks to the insights and strategies provided by Kayvon and Marcus, I gained unprecedented clarity on my sales team's performance. For the first time, I could see which reps were truly driving profit and which weren't. This led to significant changes in our team structure, all based on solid, real-time data from our sales department. The difference was night and day – an absolute game-changer for our business's efficiency and profitability”

Garret J White

Wakeup Warrior

Ready to discuss your 90-day
G.R.O.W.T.H. OS plan?
Let's Go

Here’s What’s Included

Kickstart your journey to sales mastery with TSC's dynamic 90-day program, beginning with a power-packed 1-hour strategy session with Kayvon and Marcus. Drawing insights from our detailed intake form, we'll pinpoint your sales department's Top 3 opportunities and build a razor-sharp strategy to address the immediate challenges your business faces.


Elite Training and Strategies

Dive into our specialized training modules, designed to turbocharge your sales operations and team dynamics. This isn't just training; it's a transformative experience that redefines the effectiveness of your sales department.


Access to Kayvon's Premier Sales Training

Elevate your sales game with full access to Kayvon's high-level sales training – a treasure trove of sales wisdom and techniques.


Recruitment Revolutionized

Leverage TSC's recruitment expertise at a significant discount. We're about connecting you with sales talent that doesn't just fit the role but excels in it.


The Sales Assessment Advantage

Put your top 3 candidates through our rigorous sales assessment, a service valued at $2,000 per assessment, ensuring you onboard the absolute best.


Weekly Group Coaching Brilliance

Join Marcus and Kayvon in weekly group coaching calls, a platform to tackle any challenges and refine your strategy. It's like having a sales oracle at your fingertips.


AI-Powered Call Analyzer

Ever wonder what's happening in your sales calls? Our AI-driven system breaks down your calls, offering precise feedback and actionable insights for your next pitch.


Hands-On Team Development

Monthly training sessions led by TSC's top sales managers, providing practical advice on crafting and scaling a high-octane sales team.


Round-the-Clock TSC Support

Stuck with a problem? Email us and expect a solution within 24-48 hours. We're your sales support squad.


Emergency '911' Calls

Stuck with a problem? Email us and expect a solution within 24-48 hours. We're your sales support squad.


Exclusive Resource Library

Get your hands on an arsenal of digital resources, case studies, and access to our learning management system.


Community and Networking Goldmine

Tap into a network of peers and industry experts, expanding your learning and support network.

By the end of this program

you'll have a transformed approach to sales and business  G.R.O.W.T.H., ready to scale your business with confidence and precision.

Within 90 days, the implementation of the GOS system will revolutionize your sales operations. This period will mark a significant step forward. The GOS is crafted to not only make an immediate impact on your business’s bottom line, but also to lay the groundwork for ongoing  G.R.O.W.T.H. and future collaboration. We're here to accelerate your journey to success, ensuring that the foundations we build now are robust enough to support your long-term scaling ambitions for years to come.

Ready to get started?

Reach out, and let's make this happen! Every day you don’t have a scalable sales system in place, you’re losing thousands of dollars… However, you can get started with us today and start doubling your profits and building a powerful sales system…