Developing sales mindset to continuously improve sales performance
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Developing sales mindset to continuously improve sales performance

Looking to take your sales performance to the next level? Learn how to develop a sales mindset that will help you continuously improve!

Kayvon Kay
Kayvon Kay

August 9, 2023

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset: What should be your sales mindset

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In the vast ocean of the sales industry, what separates the formidable sharks from the aimless jellyfish isn’t the size of their database or the sharpness of their sales pitch. It's something far more intrinsic: their mindset. The bedrock upon which all other skills and strategies are built, your sales mindset sets the trajectory for your career. This article examines two opposing mindsets—fixed and growth mindsets and the effect each can have on your sales performance. It's about time we unpacked these concepts, isn’t it?

What is sales mindset?

sales mindset

Picture the mindset as a complex web of beliefs and attitudes that dictate how we behave in the sales arena. A positive sales mindset places you in the driver's seat of your career, steering with an unwavering belief in your ability to improve, to learn, and to influence the outcome of any sales situation. Conversely, a negative sales mindset, like a stubborn backseat driver, can derail your confidence and stifle your growth.

What is a good sales mindset?

A good sales mindset is the sturdy keel that keeps your ship steady amid the stormy seas of sales targets, negotiations, and deal closures. It encompasses resilience, optimism, empathy, and a relentless drive to learn. Those with a good sales mindset are the ones who see each rejection not as a setback but a stepping stone, each failure as fuel for future victories.

What are the 7 key areas of sales?


Becoming a successful salesperson requires you to master the seven key areas of sales, each integral to the entire sales process. Let's delve deeper into these pillars:

  1. Prospecting: This is the first and arguably the most critical step in the sales process. Prospecting involves identifying potential customers or leads who may be interested in your product or service. Effective prospecting requires excellent research skills, knowledge of the target market, and an understanding of the product or service you're selling. It's about more than finding leads; it's about finding the right leads.
  2. Establishing Rapport: People buy from people they trust. That’s why building rapport with your prospects is vital. This involves creating a connection with your prospect, understanding their needs and problems, and positioning yourself as a helpful, trustworthy advisor. It’s not just about making a sale, but about forging a relationship.
  3. Identifying Needs: This phase involves delving into your prospect's pain points and needs to understand how your product or service can address them. By asking the right questions and actively listening, you can uncover the underlying needs that your prospect may not even be aware of. It’s this understanding that allows you to tailor your solution to their specific needs.
  4. Presenting Solutions: Now that you understand your prospect's needs, it's time to present your solution. This is where your product knowledge and communication skills come to the forefront. The key is to articulate how your product or service solves their problem, adds value, and aligns with their objectives.
  5. Handling Objections: Objections are a natural part of the sales process. However, your ability to handle them can make or break the deal. This involves acknowledging the objection, understanding the concern behind it, and addressing it effectively. It’s not about winning an argument, but about resolving concerns and reaffirming the value of your solution.
  6. Closing the Sale: The ultimate goal of every sales process is to close the deal. Closing requires timing, confidence, and a clear call to action. It's about knowing when the prospect is ready to buy and asking for the sale assertively, yet tactfully. It’s the culmination of all your efforts, turning a prospect into a customer.
  7. Post-sale Service: The sale isn’t over once the deal is closed. Providing excellent post-sale service is crucial for customer satisfaction, retention, and referral business. This could involve following up, addressing any issues, or providing additional services. It’s about maintaining the relationship and ensuring your customer remains satisfied long after the sale.

Mastering these seven key areas of sales hinges on having the right mindset, and it's through a growth mindset that you can continuously improve in each of these areas. Embrace the process, persist through the challenges, and watch your sales performance take flight.

How to change my mindset in sales?


Changing your mindset in sales isn’t as daunting as you may think. It involves examining your current beliefs and attitudes, identifying areas of improvement, and then making a conscious effort to cultivate more productive thought patterns. It’s akin to learning a new language: at first, it may feel unnatural and difficult, but with practice and perseverance, it becomes second nature.

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

In the dynamic universe of the sales profession, the mindset one harbors has an immeasurable impact on their success. It becomes imperative to understand the differences and implications of the two dominating paradigms: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.

The fixed mindset, an idea coined by psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck, embodies the belief that intelligence, abilities, and talents are immutable, much like how a stone remains rigid and unyielding under pressure. Sales professionals with a fixed mindset are likely to view their abilities as carved in stone. They consider success as a validation of inherent intelligence and failure as a direct reflection of their shortcomings. This mindset can breed a fear of failure and avoidance of challenges, essentially creating a self-imposed glass ceiling to their potential.

For instance, a salesperson with a fixed mindset might view a lost sale as evidence of their incompetence, rather than an opportunity to learn. They might avoid difficult clients, fearing that failure might tarnish their self-image. Such a mindset can stifle personal growth and hinder sales performance.

On the other hand, a growth mindset perceives intelligence, abilities, and talents as malleable, akin to clay shaped by efforts and experiences. This mindset breeds a passion for learning, resilience in the face of setbacks, and an undying belief in the power of effort. Sales professionals with a growth mindset view their abilities not as finite, but as raw potentials that can be honed and expanded.

A salesperson with a growth mindset would see a lost sale as a valuable lesson, a stepping stone towards improvement. They would willingly take on challenging clients, viewing them as opportunities to stretch their new skills and learn to become successful salespeople. A growth mindset, thus, fosters continuous learning, encourages risk-taking, and drives sales performance.

The most exciting aspect of these mindsets is that they're not fixed traits; they're choices we make. One can choose to cultivate a growth mindset, thereby unlocking their full potential and fostering a rewarding and successful sales career. The key lies not just in understanding these mindsets, but actively nurturing the one that encourages growth, resilience, and success.

How a Fixed Mindset Affects Sales

In the realm of sales, a fixed mindset can be as restrictive as an iron anchor. Fixed mindset salespeople often attribute their success or failure to innate abilities or circumstances beyond their control. When faced with

challenges, they are likely to adopt a defeatist attitude, believing they lack the necessary skills to succeed. But don't mistake a fixed mindset for realism; it’s more of a self-imposed ceiling that caps one's potential.

How a Growth Mindset Affects Sales


Contrarily, a growth mindset is like a powerful engine propelling your sales strategy vessel forward. Those with a growth mindset perceive abilities as muscles that can be strengthened with training and effort. They see challenges as opportunities to learn and improve, and they aren't discouraged by failure but motivated by it. The magic of a growth mindset lies in its capacity to turn even the most daunting obstacles into stepping stones towards success

How to Encourage Growth Mindsets at Work

In a dynamic sales organizations environment, cultivating a growth mindset isn't a luxury - it's a necessity. But how does one go about encouraging this mindset in a team? Start with creating an environment that celebrates effort and learning, not just outcomes. Encourage risk-taking and experimentation. Make room for failure, reframing it as a necessary part of learning and growth. Foster a culture of feedback, where each member of the team feels comfortable giving and receiving constructive critique.

Trainings and workshops can also be instrumental in fostering a growth mindset. Consider bringing in experts in the field to conduct seminars, or even facilitate a book club discussing books like Carol Dweck's "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success".

The Key to Success: A Growth Mindset in Sales

In the tumultuous world of sales, the strength of your mindset can mean the difference between sinking and soaring. A growth mindset, with its emphasis on learning, resilience, and the power of effort, is the secret weapon of top sales professionals. It infuses them with an invincible optimism, an unshakable belief in their ability to improve, and a resilience that keeps them going when others give up.

Why is mindset important?

Why does the sales mindset hold such sway over your performance? Because your beliefs and attitudes shape your behavior. If you believe your abilities are fixed, you're unlikely to strive for improvement. But if you believe in the power of effort and learning, you'll push yourself beyond your comfort zone, learning, growing, and ultimately, outperforming your previous self.

In Conclusion: Seize Your Growth, Shape Your Success

As we've explored throughout this piece, your sales mindset plays an instrumental role in shaping your sales performance and overall career trajectory. The battle between fixed mindsets and growth mindsets isn't just a theoretical concept - it's a daily reality that manifests in your attitudes, your actions, and ultimately, your achievements.

The fixed mindset might be an easy default, offering the comfort of the known. Yet, it's the growth mindset, with its emphasis on learning, effort, and resilience, that holds the key to unlocking your full potential. It propels you beyond self-imposed limits, liberating you to reach unprecedented heights of success. Remember, it's not about where you start but how far you're willing to grow.

This transformation, of course, doesn't happen overnight. It requires a shift in perspective, a commitment to growth, and a supportive, growth-oriented environment.

To aid you on this transformative journey, we at The Sales Connection provide resources, training, and mentorship to instill a growth mindset and equip you with the necessary tools to excel in your sales career. Our tailored programs will guide you through the nuances of the sales process, from prospecting and rapport building to objection handling and closing.

Ready to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset? Eager to supercharge your sales performance and career progression? Then don't wait for the change, be the change.

Join us at The Sales Connection. Let's create your success story together.

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Kayvon Kay

Kayvon Kay

Kayvon has over two decades of experience working with high-level closers and perfecting his sales methodologies. He has earned the title of Canada’s #1 pharmaceutical sales representative and continues to share his expertise as a keynote speaker and through his multi-million-dollar coaching program.

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