How To Train Salespeople
Sales Training
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How To Train Salespeople

Do you need to learn how to train salespeople? Is training and improving your sales team essential to success? The simple answer is, Yes! Here’s how you can do it correctly.

Kayvon Kay
Kayvon Kay

March 29, 2022

Do you need to learn how to train salespeople? Is training and improving your sales team essential to success?

In a word… YES!!

We’ve already written about the importance of building a world-class sales team. But building it is only half the battle. You have to keep adapting, pushing the boundaries, and making sure complacency doesn’t creep in.

Plus, what works today may not work tomorrow.

Training your sales team is essential. Not only to improve but to simply keep up.

So the question shouldn’t be if you need to learn how to train salespeople… it should be why you’ve left it this long. Don’t worry, we have you covered 👇👇

Table of Contents — How To Train Salespeople

1. Can Sales Be Taught?

2. How Do You Provide The Effective Training To Your Sales Staff

2. 1: Assess Your Sales Team

2. 2: Understand Your Clients/Audience

2. 3: Tap into Valuable Content

2. 4: Set Clear Expectations (and Goals)

2. 5: Keep Training Relevant (and short)

2. 6: Encourage Regular Training

2. 7: Focus on Consistency

2. 8: Use Technology (and eLearning)

2. 9: Mix Online and Real-World Training

2. 10: Use The Buddy System

2. 11: Utilize Mentoring

2. 12: Have Your Team Shadow Calls

2. 13: Have Regular Check-ins and Reviews

2. 14: Follow Up Your Training

3. How To Train Salespeople—The Conclusions

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Every sales team differs

How To Train Salespeople

Here at The Sales Connection, we don’t only know how to train salespeople the right way, we appreciate WHY you should. It’s one of the main reasons our clients hire us. They appreciate how building a team is one thing, whereas creating consistent and continued success is another.

Unless training becomes a core part of your strategy, you WILL fall behind.

The best sales teams are those that keep challenging their sales professionals.

No sitting back.

No settling for less.

No low ceilings.

Your job is to keep pushing the boundaries. To motivate your team. To get the best out of them. This process never ends, so make sure training your salespeople gets the attention it deserves.

This article shows you how, although first, you may have a question on your mind…

Can Sales Be Taught?

There’s this toxic myth that sales is an innate skill. That you either have what it takes or not. 

I cannot state how wrong this is!

Don’t get me wrong, some people are born with certain skills that set them up for sales success. As with anything, some are better suited for this game. But that isn’t to say you cannot train a sales novice into a sales expert—or make a good salesperson into a great one.

If this toxic way of thinking is what holds you back, let go of it today.

You can train your salespeople, and it isn’t nearly as difficult as you may fear.

Training is a good thing.

How Do You Provide The Effective Training To Your Sales Staff

Before we get started, it’s important to note that every sales team differs. Some of these tips will relate to you more than others. Read with an open mind. But keep bringing the focus back to you and your team.

Let’s dive in…

1: Assess Your Sales Team

Your first step is to gain a clear understanding of your current situation.

  • Who’s on your sales team?
  • Who’s thriving and who is just surviving?
  • Where are your strengths?
  • Where are your weaknesses?

Too often, we see managers jump into training with no idea on what they should focus on. This helps nobody. Your sales team needs relevant training. This differs from team to team, and from person to person. Embrace this fact. Get clear on your current situation before you do anything else.

2: Understand Your Clients/Audience

Part of this initial assessment involves gaining a greater understanding of your clients.

  • Who are they?
  • What do they need from you?
  • What attracts them?
  • What detracts them?

The better you understand your clients the more relevant you can be. Again, there’s no out-of-the-box solution to sales training. Each situation differs. Your job is to give your salespeople the skills they need to better serve your clients.

3: Tap into Valuable Content

Another common mistake we see is when someone tries to reinvent the wheel. You don’t need to do this. There’s already an abundance of content, training, and resources out there. Most of it is a click away!

Take the resources on this site… we write it for people like you so you can help your team thrive.

Use it. Tap into valuable resources like:

4: Set Clear Expectations (and Goals)

One of the best things you can do for your sales team is to effectively communicate with them. Get clear on your expectations for the training. You train them for a reason. Make sure they know this.

Set clear goals.

Set a clear roadmap.

Set clear expectations at all times!

5: Keep Training Relevant (and short)

Once more… you need to tailor the training you provide your sales team around their needs.

Each team differs.

Each person within your team differs.

Keep all training both relevant and easy to digest. There’s no value in long, in-depth training if it doesn’t provide value. There are no prizes for the most complex course or event!

6: Encourage Regular Training

When we work with clients, we have to make this one clear to them… this isn’t a one-and-done exercise.

If you want to learn how to train your salespeople the right way, you have to commit to the long game. Provide regular training. Encourage those on your team to embrace this. Training is a good thing. It helps the team, but it also helps them as an individual.

7: Focus on Consistency

This follows on from the last point… keep the momentum going.

As with most things in life, consistency’s key. Those who show up some of the time only go so far. Whereas those that are consistent and committed break through one glass ceiling after another.

8: Use Technology (and eLearning)

The fact you exist in the twenty-first century makes your life A LOT easier as a leader.

Sure, you can run in-person training seminars and events.

Yet you can also run most training remotely.

Lean on this opportunity. Get the most out of the technology you have access to. From video conferencing to eLearning platforms, you can train salespeople across borders (and continents).

9: Mix Online and Real-World Training

Saying that… as good as online training is, sometimes you need to step into the real world.

Some of the time, a face-to-face interaction matters. Keep this in mind when crafting your training strategy. Often, the virtual world is enough. But not always. Remember your people are human beings that value connection.

10: Use The Buddy System

Speaking of human connection, use this to your advantage.

Often, you’ll train several people on your team at the same time. Encourage them to learn alongside one another, keep each other accountable, and turn individual training into a group exercise.

It’s amazing the impact this approach can have. At the very least, you’ll find it brings a competitive nature out of your team. In our experience, it’s often the difference between an engaged and vacant audience.

11: Utilize Mentoring

Similar to the above, you should also utilize mentoring whenever you can. If you have an experienced sales professional on your team, have them mentor an up-and-coming sales rep. This not only adds a new element to your training but breeds responsibility and collaboration.

When it comes to nurturing a world-class culture, this matters!

12: Have Your Team Shadow Calls

A common training technique we use here at The Sales Connection is to have those we train shadow more experienced sales professionals. Often, they’ll learn all they need by simply listening in on a call.

Let them learn from the best.

Let them learn from you.

Don’t just teach, show… give them direct access to what good sales look like.

13: Have Regular Check-ins and Reviews

As we come toward the end of this list, check in on the role you play throughout all this. As a leader, your job is to lead. Don’t just set training and leave people to it. Check-in with them. Review their work. Be present so they can ask questions. 

Make it clear you’re there for them at all times.

14: Follow Up Your Training

Finally… hold those you train accountable. Follow up with them. Make sure they deliver what you expect.

Again, we see too many managers avoid this responsibility. Assigning training is one thing. Making sure those that need it follow through is another. Never forget this.

That’s it… these are the steps to take if you want to know how to train salespeople. The specifics differ from team to team. But the overall premise remains the same. Training isn’t as hard as many people make out. Yet at the same time, it isn’t easy.

We know this firsthand, having gone through countless training strategies. We know what works and we know what to avoid. That’s why we’ve written this article, as well as these other relevant resources:

How To Train Salespeople—The Conclusions

Learning how to train salespeople the right way isn’t as hard as many make out. Too many avoid it. They do all the hard work of hiring a sales team only to move on to other “supposedly” more important tasks.

They overlook training. They assume what works now always will. BIG mistake!

Now you know why. You also know how to train salespeople so they continue to deliver and step up. The question is, will you take the steps needed or sit back like many of your competitors are?

If you’re ready to take that leap, we can help…NOW is the time to Apply To Partner with US — we’d love to speak with you and learn about your business (and the specific needs YOU need).

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Kayvon Kay

Kayvon Kay

Kayvon has over two decades of experience working with high-level closers and perfecting his sales methodologies. He has earned the title of Canada’s #1 pharmaceutical sales representative and continues to share his expertise as a keynote speaker and through his multi-million-dollar coaching program.

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