How To Maximize a Sales Team

How To Maximize a Sales Team

Knowing how to maximize a sales team is often the difference between a successful sales manager and one that falls short. Here’s what you need to know so that you don’t fall into the latter group.

Kayvon Kay
Kayvon Kay

April 1, 2022

Knowing how to maximize a sales team is often the difference between a successful sales manager and one that falls short.

After all, building a team is one thing.

But making sure it continues to smash through glass ceilings is another.

This is key. What works today won’t necessarily work tomorrow. You have to keep pressing. That’s what we’ll focus on in this article as we dive into how to maximize a sales team for long-lasting success.

Table of Contents — How To Maximize a Sales Team

1. The Factors That Affect Sales Performance

2. Training To Improve Sales Performance

2. 1: Provide Regular Reviews (+ Involve Them in The Vision)

2. 2: Provide 1-1 Training

2. 3: Encourage Peer Training (and mentorship)

2. 4: Set Clear and Regular Expectations

2. 5: Celebrate Wins

2. 6: Do Not Micromanage

2. 7: Embrace Failures

2. 8: Give Your Team The Tools they Need

2. 9: Set Your Sales Professionals Up For Success

2. 10: Keep Your Team Hungry

3. Simple Ways To Improve Sales Performance

4. How To Maximize a Sales Team—The Conclusions

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How To Maximize a Sales Team

Here at The Sales Connection, we know what it takes to maximize a sales team. We’ve walked this walk many times before—not just internally, but with dozens of clients.

We know how to maximize a sales team the right way.

Regardless of industry, team size, or specific situation…

It’s an essential skill you need to learn as a sales manager. But before we get to some best practices, let’s look at a few factors that hold you (and your team) back.

You need to create a solid plan around your goals.

The Factors That Affect Sales Performance

In sales, you play an important role. Your business relies on the sales you generate. You need to bring in new ones and retain others. Of course, the specifics of this differ from business to business. Yet the fundamentals of sales often remain the same.

That’s true for the factors that affect sales performance, too. Some of the key culprits include:

  • Failing Economy: This is the one that remains outside your control. However, that isn’t to say you cannot better prepare for and overcome dips in the economy.
  • Poor Individual Performance: This one does fall under your control, and it centers on the sales team you build—and the sales professionals and reps you fill it with.
  • Inadequate Sales Forecasting (and planning): You need to set challenging but realistic expectations and goals, but also create a solid plan around these. In our experience, this is something that holds many teams back.
  • The Wrong Sales Pipeline: Chances are, if you suffer poor performance, your sales pipeline plays a role. Too long, too short, focusses on the wrong areas… we’ve seen it all while working with our clients.

The good news is, you can fix all this (and more). With a few tweaks and the right knowledge, you can maximize a sales team whatever the situation. Here’s how…

Training To Improve Sales Performance

Based on real-world experience, we’ve honed in on some key approaches on how to maximize a sales team the right way. Get ready to take notes and keep bringing the focus back to you and your team.

Each team differs. The exact steps you need to take are unique to you.

Use what we share next as a guide… but always bring it back to you.

1: Provide Regular Reviews (+ Involve Them in The Vision)

We’ve talked about this in our guide on building a culture… you need to involve your sales team in the vision. This not only keeps them on the same page, but it gives them a sense of ownership.

Yet this doesn’t just happen. You have to take control of this process.

Communicate with your team. Review their work. Gather their feedback!

The more personal touchpoints you have, the better your team performs.

2: Provide 1-1 Training

Speaking of personal touch points… work with your team 1-1.

Group training is great. But you should never only rely on this.

Each individual inside your team differs. They’re at different levels.

Embrace this. Work with them 1-1. Provide specific training that meets their needs.

3: Encourage Peer Training (and mentorship)

This is an area we see many businesses fall short. They see training as this top-to-bottom process. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Instead, build a culture where your team members help each other.

Peer training, mentorship, and collaborations are complete game-changers.

If you want to know how to maximize a sales team, start here!

4: Set Clear and Regular Expectations

If you read our articles, you’ll notice this one often comes up. It’s simple, yet most businesses lose sight of it. As a sales leader, your job is to lead! To not just create goals, but communicate them. To not just let your team know what’s expected, but to then set them up for success!

5: Celebrate Wins

This is another aspect many lose sight of. Complacency creeps in. You always move on to the next thing.

Don’t allow this to happen. If you make progress as a team, celebrate. If someone on your team wins, celebrate it! It’s a simple but effective way to keep motivation high.

6: Do Not Micromanage

In a bid to maximize a sales team, you may manage your sales professionals too closely.

Do NOT do this!

Managing is good, but as soon as it turns into micro-managing the mood turns toxic.

7: Embrace Failures

Similar to how we should celebrate wins, we should also embrace failure. Not welcome them, per se. But the reality is, we find most of our greatest lessons in failure. With the right outlook, you can quickly turn a mistake into something positive.

Yet you won’t do this if you punish each downfall.

8: Give Your Team The Tools they Need

To maximize a sales team, you need to set them up for success.

Too many set their team up for failure: with the wrong tools, the wrong expectations, the wrong systems…

Set yourself apart by giving your team the tools, equipment, and processes they need. Set them up for success and enjoy the massive benefits on the backend.

9: Keep Your Team Hungry

Above all, keep your team hungry for more.

  • Challenge them!
  • Motivate them!
  • Reward them!!

Not just with money, but other engaging incentives. Any sales team is only as good as the individual leading them. Well, your main role as a leader is to lead! Never forget this.

There are many components to a high-performing sales team.

Simple Ways To Improve Sales Performance

So, what can you do TODAY to make progress and get your team working from the same page?

There are a few quick fixes you can make:

Focus on Communication: No matter how good of a communicator you are, you can improve. This is true for everyone. If in doubt, dive into how you communicate with your team. As a group, but also with each individual. The better you communicate, the easier it is to maximize a sales team.

Focus on Accountability: Complacency is a killer for any business. A strong sales team is no different. As a leader, you need to hold those around you accountable. Beyond this, you need to build a culture that creates self-accountability. Speaking of…

Focus on Your Culture: So much of your success comes down to the culture you craft. We talk about this here… I encourage you to study it as this one thing will revolutionize your results.

Of course, this isn’t where our advice ends. We have other resources designed to help you maximize a sales team and take it to the next level. A few you may like to bookmark and read include:

How To Maximize a Sales Team—The Conclusions

Now you know how to maximize a sales team, the question turns to… will you?

As you can see, most of what we share is simple to implement. Yet many don’t because they get caught up in all their other responsibilities. That’s where a sales agency like The Sales Connection comes in.

If you’re ready to take this all-important next step, Apply To Partner with US — we’ll discover exactly what you need, and then… develop a tailored strategy to maximize your sales team!!

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Kayvon Kay

Kayvon Kay

Kayvon has over two decades of experience working with high-level closers and perfecting his sales methodologies. He has earned the title of Canada’s #1 pharmaceutical sales representative and continues to share his expertise as a keynote speaker and through his multi-million-dollar coaching program.

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