How Do People Make Money Selling Online
Remote Sales
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How Do People Make Money Selling Online

How do people make money selling online? This is a question many have asked since the internet took over in the 90s. In this article, we’ll show you the opportunities you can take advantage of so that start earning from anywhere.

Kayvon Kay
Kayvon Kay

April 3, 2022

How do people make money selling online… this is a question most have asked since the internet took over in the 90s.

As a salesperson, this is a good question to ask, too.

The online world has opened up opportunities stacked upon opportunities.

And the good news is, more and more are set to come your way.

The question is, where do you find these? How can you take advantage?

Table of Contents — How Do People Make Money Selling Online

1. Can You Really Make Money Selling Online

2. How Do Beginners Make Money Online

2. 1: Highlight Your Core Skills

2. 2: Create Your UVP

2. 3: Build an Audience

2. 4: Find a Gap in The Market

2. 5: Provide The “Go-To” Solution

2. 6: Experiment!!!!

3. How Do People Make Money Selling Online—The Conclusions

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Whether you have experience in sales or not, there are opportunities for you to shine.

How Do People Make Money Selling Online

At The Sales Connection, we’ve worked with countless clients in almost every industry you can imagine. We’ve helped build sales teams from the ground up as well as train individual salespeople how to thrive.

As such, we know what it takes to make money online.

The problem is—and I imagine you’ve noticed this—there’s a lot of fluff on the internet.

Almost every article dives into affiliate marketing, drop shipping, and this new quick rich scheme… 

That’s hardly going to help you become one of the individuals that make money online. All it does is send you to the latest trend—where the boat’s likely already sailed!!

So, with this article, we want to give you the real tools you need to thrive online.

No quick rich scheme. No new trend that you have to act on right now!

What we share here sets you up for lasting success—now and in the future…

Can You Really Make Money Selling Online

Before we get into the main part of this question, let’s reassure you that YES you can make money selling online. Whether you have experience in sales or not, there are opportunities for you to shine.

Although let’s be clear… none of this comes easy.

If you want true success, you need to work for it.

Nobody will give you anything in this world. Lucky for you, here at The Sales Connection we have both training material AND a proven process that helps you find your feet. To learn more about that, click here. Otherwise, be sure to check out these other essential studies before you move on…

How Do Beginners Make Money Online

Whether you’re new to sales or not, there are many opportunities for you to sell online. Overall, we’ve aimed this article at someone just starting out. Yet these rules apply to everyone.

Let’s dive in…

1: Highlight Your Core Skills

To begin with, you have to appreciate you’re a unique individual with a unique set of skills (and personality). More so, you have to embrace this!

  • What are you good at?
  • What are you great at?
  • How have you helped people in the past?
  • What are you passionate about?

Sure, you can and will learn new skills as you progress in your sales career. Yet we all bring something unique to the table (more on this next). Embrace this. Get to know where you shine and make this a huge part of what you do.

2: Create Your UVP

Every good business (and product) needs a UVP—a unique value proposition.

You, as a salesperson, are no different.

  • What’s your story?
  • What’s your style?
  • What’s your personality?

There are certain aspects of you that stand out. Others in your industry can copy a lot of what you do. But they can never replicate who you are. Never forget this. Embrace it and showcase it to the world.

This comes out in your marketing… branding… communicating… and even HOW you share your message (video, podcasting, writing, etc…). How do people make money selling online? Simple… they embrace who they are and find an audience that can relate to them.

Without this, you’ll always struggle to build momentum.

3: Build an Audience

Speaking of audience… it’s your job to build one.

Start now. Don’t wait. Even if you don’t know what you want to sell, build the audience first. In fact, as we explore next, having an audience HELPS you figure out what you should sell.

To begin with, provide value. Build a tribe and build their trust.

Share stories. Offer help and support. Be interesting!!

There are so many ways to do this these days, from social media, podcasts, and YouTube channels. Have fun and have a good time. More importantly, make sure those you serve have a good time.

4: Find a Gap in The Market

Once you have an audience—and no, it doesn’t need to be a massive audience—speak to them and observe them.

  • What questions do they ask?
  • What problems do they face?
  • What do they engage with the most?

This is why having an audience first helps you hone in on what you should sell. Often, they tell you!

From there, all you have to do is research your industry and see who your competition is. 

There are always gaps in the market. At this stage, you’re in the perfect position to spot them.

5: Provide The “Go-To” Solution

Spotting the gap is one thing… filling it is another.

Having a UVP and stand-out brand only goes so far. You also have to offer a solution that goes above and beyond what your competitors provide. What this looks like depends on your specific situation. 

What’s certain is it’s your job to hone in on it.

Once you do—combined with everything else we’ve covered—you quickly become the “go-to” in your niche. Until you do, you’ll struggle to build momentum and likely remain on the outside looking in.

6: Experiment!!!!

Finally—and this last step is an important one—you have to embrace the journey ahead.

Nothing you build in the beginning will be perfect. 

All you can do is form a hypothesis and then go out and test it.

Although many find this daunting, you can set yourself apart by embracing it. Everything you do is an experiment. Some ideas work. Others don’t. It’s part of the process. Have fun with it.

This is the process to follow if you want to know how people make money selling online. We speak from a place of experience, having gone through this ourselves and helping others do the same.

It’s not the whole process, of course. But that’s why we’ve written other resources like:

You need to create a common vision.

How Do People Make Money Selling Online—The Conclusions

How do people make money selling online is a question most have asked at some point. They see successful individuals on their newsfeed and wonder… how? How do they do it?

Although many articles direct you to this trend or that, true success follows the process we share here.

It’s simple by design, yet not easy to execute—at least, not unless you have some help.

That’s where we come in at The Sales Connection

If you’re ready to take the step in your career, we can help. Visit HERE and explore how to join our ever-expanding team.

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Kayvon Kay

Kayvon Kay

Kayvon has over two decades of experience working with high-level closers and perfecting his sales methodologies. He has earned the title of Canada’s #1 pharmaceutical sales representative and continues to share his expertise as a keynote speaker and through his multi-million-dollar coaching program.

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